My Monday was happy. How was yours? I am watching Eat, Pray, Love and marveling at the Italian food and Julia Roberts of course. I looovvee her and always have thought she was stunning. She is. Anyhow, I wanted to share some Thanksgiving pics as promised. And although I have a busy week ahead of me with cleaning up and making crafts for Devs 1st birthday party Saturday, I am hoping to post outfit pics this week and/or gift guides.
So for Thanksgiving I cooked for 7 people. And for 7 people, I cooked:
- homemade mashed potatoes
- homemade mac n cheese
- corn bread muffins
- biscuits
- cheesy potatoes
- carrots (with butter, a hint of brown sugar and thyme)
- cheesy broccoli
- candied yams
- green bean casserole
All of that in 4-5 hours! It all turned out banging. My dad and step mom brought the turkey and my mom and step dad brought the stuffing. I enjoyed having them all at my home :)
Dev going to the grocery store with me in the morning to get my last needed items, yes, I was one of those people.
Finally wore my vintage apron!
I worked with what I had to set the table, including my great grandmothers china, and I loved the way it turned out!
You can't see the pretty blue paper I used for the tags, but it ended up matching with everything. <3
My silly dad.
Dev waiting to eat!
Dev playing after turkey.
After we ate and chilled for a bit, we rushed to Michaels uncles for Thanksgiving #2. After all that, I had the laziest weekend of my life, which included sleeping way too much. I regret it! But speaking of sleeping, I need to get to bed for work tomorrow. Hollaaa
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Post Thanksgiving!
Do you weigh at least 5 more pounds? I hope so. I love Thanksgiving and post Thanksgiving as well. I have always enjoyed the food (leftovers for days to come) and the general coziness of it. I have a lot of things to be thankful for, and a lot of pictures to share from my Thanksgiving. I cooked all side dishes for 7 people, everything but the turkey! I'll be posting the Thanksgiving pics soon. But for now, I wanted to quickly jot just some of the things I am thankful for:
- Having a home and being warm in my home
- my son
- my sons health, my family's health and my health
- That there was food on my table
- That my parents raised me the way they did to be appreciated and open minded, and thankful in general
- That I had/have an education
- That I found a hobby I love
- That Lil Wayne is out of jail
- Having a home and being warm in my home
- my son
- my sons health, my family's health and my health
- That there was food on my table
- That my parents raised me the way they did to be appreciated and open minded, and thankful in general
- That I had/have an education
- That I found a hobby I love
- That Lil Wayne is out of jail
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I wanted to get a lot accomplished today, but I woke up awfully late and didn't get anything done today. Not a thing. Tomorrow will be more productive, and hopefully I will make up for todays chillin'. I haven't done outfit posts for a while, so I wanted to share some outfits that were worn over the weekend:
#1- wide leg lovin'
I absolutely love wide legged pants, and always have. There is such a classic, feminine feeling to them.
#1- wide leg lovin'
I absolutely love wide legged pants, and always have. There is such a classic, feminine feeling to them.
striped shirt: F21 ($15)
gray shirt: thrifted ($2)
black pants: thrifted ($5)
belt: thrifted ($2)
#2- Grey Poupon
My body looks weird in these pics, and the pics also don't do the outfit much justice, at all. I really need to get a better camera asap! I already picked which one I want ;p (hello Nikon ds3000). Anyway, this outfit with a jacket and sunglasses is way cuter, trust.
grey cardigan: f21, old ($17?)
mustard dress: thrifted ($4)
belt: thrifted, but brand new dockers belt ($3)
brown tights: f21 ($6)
Steven (by Steve Madden) taupe booties: ross ($20)
#3: Remix
Kind a weird/funky outfit. Probably not a lot of peoples cup of tea. I honestly just threw something together. My "shirt" was actually an awkward length h&m dress that I was going to alter. I decided to try and obviously, the first thing I did was cut it.....too short! I was so pissed at myself. And then I was going to hem the line to clean it up, and couldn't find the power source to the sewing machine. So I just said f it, threw it on with some leggings and my cardigan and boots and headed out. When I was about to leave the house, Michael said I looked pretty, but when he was more than half awake, he saw the outfit and said "what are you wearing?!" lol
urban outfitters cardi: from Gabriel Brothers ($4)
h&m dress-made-shirt: thrifted ($6)
leggings: f21 ($8)
zigi soho "meena" boots: dsw, ($30)
Well, today wasn't much of a good picture day either. But, it's late and in order to be productive, I need to wake up at a decent time, so let me get my butt to bed. night!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Sunday! (Never posted)
I hope you have had a great weekend so far! Mine has been alright, can't complain. Haven't been too productive, but I have a week ahead of me with no work, meaning I can concentrate on posting things on the etsy store, and getting this house together (hopefully). Not to mention my favorite meal of the year is coming up! Mmmm, can't wait!
Last night I made me some "Pumpkin Delight." Someone had mentioned it on a blog, and I looked up and barely found any recipes. The blogger had mentioned yellow cake mix, so I finally found a recipe with the yellow cake mix, which had me sold. The directions did not make any sense, so it looks kind of weird, but it tastes A-MAZING!
Update: So, I never posted this, or finished it (by accident). But, here it is. And here are somy crappy pictures of the pumpkin delight I have been chowing down on. Hope you had a great weekend!
Last night I made me some "Pumpkin Delight." Someone had mentioned it on a blog, and I looked up and barely found any recipes. The blogger had mentioned yellow cake mix, so I finally found a recipe with the yellow cake mix, which had me sold. The directions did not make any sense, so it looks kind of weird, but it tastes A-MAZING!
Update: So, I never posted this, or finished it (by accident). But, here it is. And here are somy crappy pictures of the pumpkin delight I have been chowing down on. Hope you had a great weekend!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Life Changes
This past week has been a very strange one, it's almost been like an awakening that I need to calm things down a bit, stop, take in, breathe, revitalize, and to "keep calm and carry on." I had first seen that phrase on a poster in someone's kitchen on my favorite interior design site, Apartment Therapy. I thought someone just scored a cool poster, but then I saw it more and more and I just googled it now, it's actually a British WWII propaganda poster from 1939. I think I am going to order one to post somewhere in my home to remind me to keep calm and carry on, on a daily basis:

So basically, as you know, I started a new job. Things were going well last week as my first week. But after work I overwhelmed myself with the etsy store, being a mom, blogging, and working with a deadline for a client I was doing personal shopping/styling for. I guess it was a pretty stressful week. Thinking back on it, it just seems blurry and like it was so long ago.
Then this past week, work started getting weird. The things that bothered me about this job and the 4 people (including myself) started sticking out. Then I got in trouble for one mistake. I don't like making people unhappy and it really bothers me when I do so. I basically got told I need to think about if I really wanted to be at this job. The next day I worked hard and did what was expected, but it still wasn't good enough. The past couple days my stomach had been messed up and then Thursday, I just couldn't hold anything down anymore. I told my work I needed to go home, and was told horrible things like I seemed clueless, and I was drama (what?!), and they would think about if they wanted me back. I went home, took a nap, and woke up to excruciating stomach pain. No one was around, Mike was in a long test, I couldn't stop vomiting and I knew something wasn't right, I had to call 911 and got taken to the hospital. My white blood cell count was high (as it was after my c-section), and they said my intestines had stopped working. They admitted me. Hours later, I found out that something was wrong with my liver and they had to run more tests. Michael had called my job to let them know I wasn't coming in Friday as I had been admitted. They asked if I od'd on tylenol (uhhh, no!?!), did a tylenol test to see how much was in my liver, and there was barely any. Once I got re-hydrated and finally kept some food down, I got released Friday. But they still don't know what's wrong and I need to follow up with a primary care doctor. As Michael as driving me home, I got a call from my old job that had laid me off after being there 2.5 months, it was when everyone got laid off- and basically offered me my old job back. I was/am so happy. It was like a miracle. It IS a miracle. Perfect timing, and just what I needed. It's like it was a sign for another new start.
I came home, and things just seemed different. Wednesday night, we had given away our dog to some awesome people with another dog, we knew Bog would be happier. I took it easy, watched a movie and relaxed. I woke up today and still just feel weird. My stomach started hurting again pretty bad, but I'm feeling ok otherwise. I'm just trying to relax, appreciate what I have, and really focus on being healthy overall. I need to make that lifestyle change. I need to start eating better and exercising. I need to not put a million things on my plate and overwhelm myself. This whole thing was just a wake up call for a lot of reasons.
This posting has been long and personal enough. So on that note, I'm gonna go get dressed, enjoy the beautiful weather outside, and go run some errands! Oh, and I am dabbling in the idea of cutting my bangs, so we'll see. Oh, and Devin is just walking everywhere! It's so cute.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Moo Shirt
This moo shirt of mine, is hands down, one of my favorite thrifting finds as well. I got it for like $2, and I still hadn't incorporated it into my outfit till today. Before I went to bed last night, I tried it on with different things and forgot how much I really loved it (p.s. I've found that if I know ahead of time what I'm wearing the next day for work, I make it A LOT easier for myself to get out of the house- in other words, I don't stare half awake at my clothes in my closet without moving for 10 minutes). Also, for whatever reason, I have just been craving wearing a lot of black lately. Strange:
Love this scarf. This is all I wore this morning and was warm. Scarves really do a lot to help keep warm.
I look very Iranian in this ^ pic, no?
Hemi mad a guest appearance, like he always tries to do. I said FIINNNNEEEE this time.
Love this scarf. This is all I wore this morning and was warm. Scarves really do a lot to help keep warm.
I look very Iranian in this ^ pic, no?
Hemi mad a guest appearance, like he always tries to do. I said FIINNNNEEEE this time.
scarf: old navy ($8)
black jacket: F21, ($14)
moo shirt: thrifted, ($2)
miss sixty harem pants: Buffalo Exchange ($15) <--SOOO comfy
me too booties: DSW ($40)
So, did you see the details of the moo shirt? It's semi sheer, it has sheer stripes actually that are lined with a thin, thin line of gold, and pearl and black beading on cuffs and collar. Remember you can always click on the pictures to make them bigger. Tomorrow's hump day, enjoy!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Happy Sunday!
Hello folks! Hope you had a great weekend. I haven't had a chance to post a 'Happy Sunday' post in a while. My weekend went by fast, as they always do. I survived my first full week of a new, full time job paired with a very new commute. Back to the grind tomorrow. I have a million and one things on my plate right now, which is no one's fault but mine...well, plus the holidays. But, I guess being busy is what keeps me sane and takes away my over thinking (but only to an extent). And this time I'm busy with things that I enjoy and want to be doing for myself, so I just gotta keep that in mind when I start to get stressed.
I didn't get things finished that I wanted to this weekend. I only posted two items at the store, and I have A LOT more to post- I didn't realize how time consuming it is. But anyway, it's already late and I have a nice, long, bumper filled commute in la manana, so I need to get going. I hope you had a great weekend, and enjoy this week!In just two weeks, holy shit, NEXT WEEK you'll be (hopefully) stuffing your face with a yummy thanksgiving meal, so start your being thankful early and think about one thing you are thankful for everyday. Ta ta.
I didn't get things finished that I wanted to this weekend. I only posted two items at the store, and I have A LOT more to post- I didn't realize how time consuming it is. But anyway, it's already late and I have a nice, long, bumper filled commute in la manana, so I need to get going. I hope you had a great weekend, and enjoy this week!
{picture taken on my way to work}
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Great News!
If any of you already peaked at my blog today, you may have noticed the extra page that says, "Personal Style Consulting," which is one of my two of announcements, but keep reading!!
Personal Style Consulting-
I'm going to be brief since it will all be under that part of the page. But, I have helped people work with what they have in their closet by putting outfits together with them, organizing their closet, and done some personal shopping. First it was a trial/error thing, and I decided to post my services on Craigslist- as you all know, the thing I do best is find clothes for cheap, so that was probably the most enticing part and the reason why I got responses. People automatically think, "I would love this, but there's no way I can afford it!" and because I love it soooo much, I have no problem making it possible for that person.
Long story short, between working with a client, no longer working from home and starting a new job (with a long commute), caring for a baby, maintaining a blog AND doing this on the side, I got pretty nervous that I was overdoing it. But then when I mustered up energy to venture out and find some pieces for my client, I can't even tell you the joy I felt! You know the feeling of giving someone a gift you know they'll love? It's that times a million, PLUS the hunt, and more importantly, the fact I am helping someone. Explaining why this shoe would go with that shirt hanging in that persons closet, always come so natural and I absolutely love it. Moral of story: Don't hesitate to ask me for help, even if you live elsewhere. I will work with your budget!
Spot On Vintage-
I'd like to also announce the grand opening of Spot On Vintage (at SpottieOtties) on Etsy!! I have been toying with the idea of a vintage store on etsy with knick knacks. But seeing as how I find cute vintage items that anyone can work with and look like today's trends (that means you, person who's thinking 'yeah right, I would never wear vintage.'), and how my blog has a lot of fashion related posts, a vintage store is in order.
Long story short again, the shop is going to have clothing items, shoes, accessories like belts, purses, jewelry, and little things for around your home. A lot of these vintage stores you find are overpriced, and I am going to be fair with my prices. I am also going to alter/tailor some of the items for a more up to date look. For example, I keep finding a lot of awesome vintage skirts made of good material and with GREAT colors, but they could use a little trim and they would be perfect!! Lastly, I am going to post tips and ideas on what to pair the item with (that's how I know something will work for you, even if you may doubt it at first). I already have a lot, it just takes time to take pictures and post them!
p.s. if I find over time that it isn't really a success, then I will probably stop.
So that's all for now folks! I'm super excited for these new ventures, and I will keep you updated!
Personal Style Consulting-
I'm going to be brief since it will all be under that part of the page. But, I have helped people work with what they have in their closet by putting outfits together with them, organizing their closet, and done some personal shopping. First it was a trial/error thing, and I decided to post my services on Craigslist- as you all know, the thing I do best is find clothes for cheap, so that was probably the most enticing part and the reason why I got responses. People automatically think, "I would love this, but there's no way I can afford it!" and because I love it soooo much, I have no problem making it possible for that person.
Long story short, between working with a client, no longer working from home and starting a new job (with a long commute), caring for a baby, maintaining a blog AND doing this on the side, I got pretty nervous that I was overdoing it. But then when I mustered up energy to venture out and find some pieces for my client, I can't even tell you the joy I felt! You know the feeling of giving someone a gift you know they'll love? It's that times a million, PLUS the hunt, and more importantly, the fact I am helping someone. Explaining why this shoe would go with that shirt hanging in that persons closet, always come so natural and I absolutely love it. Moral of story: Don't hesitate to ask me for help, even if you live elsewhere. I will work with your budget!
Spot On Vintage-
I'd like to also announce the grand opening of Spot On Vintage (at SpottieOtties) on Etsy!! I have been toying with the idea of a vintage store on etsy with knick knacks. But seeing as how I find cute vintage items that anyone can work with and look like today's trends (that means you, person who's thinking 'yeah right, I would never wear vintage.'), and how my blog has a lot of fashion related posts, a vintage store is in order.
Long story short again, the shop is going to have clothing items, shoes, accessories like belts, purses, jewelry, and little things for around your home. A lot of these vintage stores you find are overpriced, and I am going to be fair with my prices. I am also going to alter/tailor some of the items for a more up to date look. For example, I keep finding a lot of awesome vintage skirts made of good material and with GREAT colors, but they could use a little trim and they would be perfect!! Lastly, I am going to post tips and ideas on what to pair the item with (that's how I know something will work for you, even if you may doubt it at first). I already have a lot, it just takes time to take pictures and post them!
p.s. if I find over time that it isn't really a success, then I will probably stop.
So that's all for now folks! I'm super excited for these new ventures, and I will keep you updated!
My Mean, Green Blazer
Happy Hump Day! I managed to have a very successful evening, and I got a lot accomplished! I wanted to share one of my favorite thrifting finds,my go-to blazer. It's one of those gems.
You can better see the coloring of the blazer, jeans, and boots. I really love the combo. It's a timeless outfit- meaning, it can still be considered "cute" in years to come.
See the detail of the blazer and coloring of the studs with the necklace. The material actually isn't very soft, but it doesn't bother me.
And here comes the lolz:
I wanted to try to utilize my vanity mirror lighting bc the lighting always tricks me to think I look better than I actually do.
Messing around with the coloring.
Couldn't decide between the above color or this one, which is the only reason I actually posted this picture. I really did not like this picture, but once I messed around with it I decided it's not horrible. Which of the colorings do you like better between the two?
You can better see the coloring of the blazer, jeans, and boots. I really love the combo. It's a timeless outfit- meaning, it can still be considered "cute" in years to come.
See the detail of the blazer and coloring of the studs with the necklace. The material actually isn't very soft, but it doesn't bother me.
And here comes the lolz:
I wanted to try to utilize my vanity mirror lighting bc the lighting always tricks me to think I look better than I actually do.
Messing around with the coloring.
Couldn't decide between the above color or this one, which is the only reason I actually posted this picture. I really did not like this picture, but once I messed around with it I decided it's not horrible. Which of the colorings do you like better between the two?
green blazer: thrifted ($4)
white studded tee: F21, old ($14?)
necklace: etsy ($12)
J Brand Jeans: Gabriel Brothers ($20)
Steve Madden boots: ($40)
Hopefully by tomorrow night, you are going to see a new page added to SpottieOtties, along with a post about it. Goodnight!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Space Balloon
Some fathers and sons spend time playing catch. But this father and 7 year old son, thought it would be more fun to send an iPhone and an HD camera into space instead:
Isn't that cool? Thanks to my bro for always sending me tight info.
Isn't that cool? Thanks to my bro for always sending me tight info.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hi guys! I started a new job today and have been pretty busy since I went straight from my previous job to this one. I also have a client that I am working with (personal style + shopping); plus being a mom to an ALMOST 1 year old (can't freaking believe it!)....which means that I really need to finish up planning his party. So, I don't want to promise anything specific for this week, but I will try my best to get back on my daily grind. It will be easier once I come up with a routine and I figure out traffic, average time I'll get home, whether I'm gonna cook, etc. Routines are very helpful. So are to do lists. I love crossing things off of a to-do list.
I was going to try to leave with you with something interesting, but I am exhausted. I hope I won't suck as much tomorrow. Goodnight ya'll.
I was going to try to leave with you with something interesting, but I am exhausted. I hope I won't suck as much tomorrow. Goodnight ya'll.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I have had my eyes on these pants from J. Crew since I got the catalog. I love the catalogs! So much inspiration usually... the way they layer things.
Anyway, I am loving that I am seeing sweatpants with heels. Yes, I realize that sounds weird, like a "no no," but there is a classy way it can be done. See below:
Call me crazy, but I love these J. Crew- Skinny ultra-lounge pant for $49. It's actually very unlike me to spend that kind of money on one item (that's not shoes), but these pants are a must. I've had my eyes on them for a while so I will continue to do so and probably purchase them soon. The obvious trick to the sweatpants and heels thing is that the sweats don't really look like sweats.
Here is another example of sweats and heels:
I have the next couple days off before I start a new job (yay). But I have an unbelievable load of work to do, errands to run.
Anyway, I am loving that I am seeing sweatpants with heels. Yes, I realize that sounds weird, like a "no no," but there is a classy way it can be done. See below:
Call me crazy, but I love these J. Crew- Skinny ultra-lounge pant for $49. It's actually very unlike me to spend that kind of money on one item (that's not shoes), but these pants are a must. I've had my eyes on them for a while so I will continue to do so and probably purchase them soon. The obvious trick to the sweatpants and heels thing is that the sweats don't really look like sweats.
Here is another example of sweats and heels:
photo from
That's my girl Janet Jackson. Whether you like her or not, her outfit is cute. I just don't know how it's possible to walk in those heels? I have pants like hers, and they are so versatile. I've worn them with gladiators, booties, flats, chucks, and heels. You can dress them up or down, and best of all, they are super comfy! Another similar type are the harem pants. You can get some that aren't too too wide up top and they are just as comfy and cute as well.I have the next couple days off before I start a new job (yay). But I have an unbelievable load of work to do, errands to run.
Three Outfits, One Post
I really sucked at blogging the previous week because I had a lot going on, so I hope this kinda makes up for it. I also am going to do a "favorite guy outfits" and several other posts that had been requested. I hope you guys have a great week!
p.s. sorry for the quality of the pictures, they are all from my iphone because I can't find my battery charger (grrr!):
Oufit #1:
I love this outfit. This burnt orange/coral cardigan was such an amazing find. I really wear it often, out of all the clothes I've gotten recently, and it goes with so much more than I ever imagined. I originally bought the skit because I loved the hue of the blue and figured I'd have to rework it, but I just used a safety pin for the meantime and it worked lovely.
p.s. sorry for the quality of the pictures, they are all from my iphone because I can't find my battery charger (grrr!):
Oufit #1:
I love this outfit. This burnt orange/coral cardigan was such an amazing find. I really wear it often, out of all the clothes I've gotten recently, and it goes with so much more than I ever imagined. I originally bought the skit because I loved the hue of the blue and figured I'd have to rework it, but I just used a safety pin for the meantime and it worked lovely.
cardigan: thrifted, ($4)
black tank: F21, ($4)
vintage blue skirt: thrifted, ($4)\
booties: DSW by Me Too, ($40)
Outfit #2:
I also really love this outfit. I just threw it together Friday night when I decided to run to TJ Maxx to get Dev some pajamas. I hadn't worn chucks in a while, I just love them with wide pants or trousers.
red jacket: F21 ($20)
scarf: F21 ($8)
blue sweater: F21 ($8)
khakis: h&m, old ($16?)
chuck taylors: ($33)
Outfit #3
I reeeeeeaalllyyyy dislike the way I look in the first pic. We did a million re-dos but in all I looked bug eyed. I was super excited about these shorts when I saw them at Old Navy, and then when I found out they were half off $4! I had been waiting to wear patterned tights but have to admit, I am not too good at figuring out what to wear with them- but this outfit seemed to work. I threw on the capelet later in the day when it was even more chilly out.
white capelet: old navy ($15)
gray shirt: F21 ($9)
khaki shorts: old navy, ($2)
belt with gold sequins: F21 ($6)
brown patterned tights: F21 ($5)
steve madden boots: ($40)
I tried to post this posting last night, but I was so super tired I could not do it. I have the rest of the week planned out post wise, and I also made a haul vlog this weekend, but still have to edit it. Anyway, be sure to check out the blog the rest of the week!
Bonus Dev picture from today:
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween Post
How was your Halloween weekend?? I was super excited to take Dev trick or treating and I really wanted to dress up and go to a party, but that didn't happen. Taking Dev trick or treating was rushed, but still fun (and quite the workout!). I dressed him up as a pumpkin, because I was easily able to put a coat underneath it. He loved seeing the other kids and grabbing at the candy in the bowls. Here are some pics:
And before trick or treating (I was an impromptu George Washington):
And our festive, daytime Hallowear (tee-hee):
And before trick or treating (I was an impromptu George Washington):
And our festive, daytime Hallowear (tee-hee):
scarf: ?, prob around $6
cardigan: thrifted, $4
black tank: F21 ($4)
black Ann Taylor LOFT crop pants: thrifted, $16
So you see, you can dress up for holidays and still be chic. I loved my outfit, and let's give Dev some credit for his cuteness too :) Hope you had a happy Halloween!
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