Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Hello folks!  Hope you had a great weekend.  I haven't had a chance to post a 'Happy Sunday' post in a while.  My weekend went by fast, as they always do.  I survived my first full week of a new, full time job paired with a very new commute.  Back to the grind tomorrow.  I have a million and one things on my plate right now, which is no one's fault but mine...well, plus the holidays.  But, I guess being busy is what keeps me sane and takes away my over thinking (but only to an extent).  And this time I'm busy with things that I enjoy and want to be doing for myself, so I just gotta keep that in mind when I start to get stressed.

I didn't get things finished that I wanted to this weekend.  I only posted two items at the store, and I have A LOT more to post- I didn't realize how time consuming it is.  But anyway, it's already late and I have a nice, long, bumper filled commute in la manana, so I need to get going.  I hope you had a great weekend, and enjoy this week!  In just two weeks, holy shit, NEXT WEEK you'll be (hopefully) stuffing your face with a yummy thanksgiving meal, so start your being thankful early and think about one thing you are thankful for everyday. Ta ta.

{picture taken on my way to work}

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