Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Monday (?)

Hello dolls (jk, I hate that).  How was your weekend?  How was your Monday?  Mine was pretty busy.  I had a busy day at work and then was excited to try zumba for the first time.  However, when I got home, I had loads upon loads of laundry to do (our new washer finally arrived), followed by a massive grocery shopping trip, then putting away the groceries, feeding Dev, cleaning up, getting Dev to bed, and almost falling asleep myself.  I decided to come down and finally just post the two outfits I had been meaning to (god, I'm so dedicated), but I will update the details of where and how much tomorrow (most likely).

Rainy Day:

Sunny Day:

1 comment:

  1. love your rainboots!! ((found you through kendieveryday)) <3
