Through out this blogging experience, I have often gotten great feedback via emails, or people telling me in person, or a friend telling me from someone else, etc. I can't even begin to explain the happiness it always brings me....every.single.time. Even a simple, "I read your blog," is quite comparable to the happiness I feel from listening to reggae on a summer night.
I don't do this just to be a famous blogger one day (although, I won't say I don't hope for that a little). I do it because I absolutely love it! I have written since I was in 2nd grade, whether it was writing in my dairy, or writing stories. Actually, my dad owned a photo store and I would sit there bored, get on the computer, write a paragraph in Microsoft Word, make a corresponding picture in paint and put it in the word doc, and stand outside of my dad's store yelling, "Books for sale! Books for sale! A dollar a book! Books for sale!" No, my point is not that I have always been a lil hustler, but that I have always had a passion for writing. Anyway, to show my appreciation and happiness to you readers, I have decided to do a surprise give away (I explain why it was a surprise), on Friday!
{image via}
Just a few simple steps to enter:
1. If you haven't hit "follow" already, then do so, so you can leave a comment! Don't worry, you won't get annoying emails of posting updates or anything. All you need is a google account.
2. Leave a comment to this post telling me:
a) How you found my blog (even if it's cuz I shoved it down your throat).
b) Tell me something good! What your favorite post has been so far (whether it was informative, or a photo you liked, etc.) or what keeps you coming back (it won't hurt my feelings if it's just to see pics of Devin).
c) Have you ever bought something I have blogged about, or followed any particular advice?
d) Any suggestions? Anything you would like to see me blog about? If you prefer to email this for privacy reasons, feel free (see email in top right of the blog).
Yaay! I am super excited to see what you guys have to say, good or bad. Oh, and guys, don't be hesitant to join the giveaway too, it won't be something you will dislike or have no need for. Girls, trust me, I got you too. Don't forget to check back Friday!